***If you are within 72 hours of booking a group event or party call (260) 999-4940 - Our system will not allow you to book a party online within 72 hours of the party time. This lead time helps us make sure we have the room capacity and are properly staffed for your party.


If you are looking to purchase individual tickets click HERE.  Unlike PARTIES, TICKETS MAY BE PURCHASED UP TO THE SCHEDULED TIME.

Time to complete your order:
Gellyball Group Event - Event Information
$220.00 includes 10 players
Max 10 players

This group package is for (10) players and includes:
(2) 20 minute sessions of Combat Ops Gellyball

Battle it out in our newly remodeled arena with fully-automatic gellyball blasters and UV activated rounds in the blacklight. This package maxes out at 10 players.

NOTE: This booking requires a non-refundable $88 deposit.

Gellyball players must be at least 10 years old and have a valid waiver on file!
How many people will be attending the event?